The county budget is a moral document.
In 2005, religious leaders wrote to President George W. Bush that “Despite its complexity, the budget is essentially a moral document – the specific expression of the values of the nation.” We agree. The Budget Justice Coalition (BJC) advocates for community engagement in the Contra Costa County budgeting process and for a set of values-based budgeting principles that support safe and affordable housing, stable employment with fair wages, sufficient healthy food, essential health care, access to critical social services, quality early care, and education.
Educate. Activate. Advocate.
The Coalition is currently engaged in Contra Costa County's budget process for fiscal year 2024-25. Our shared vision is to be effective advocates for budget priorities that address inequities and the needs of residents who are struggling to make ends meet. We are continuing to work with the Board of Supervisors, key County department leaders, and community stakeholders to co-design a more robust community engagement plan. This ensures residents are involved throughout the development of budget priorities, ideas, and opportunities. Join us!